17 Unique Recruitment Strategies That Proved Successful and Why They Worked

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Completing the puzzle with the final piece

In the quest for top talent, companies are turning to innovative recruitment strategies that stand out from the crowd. From HR Managers to CEOs, we've gathered seventeen unique tactics that have not only been implemented but have also proven successful. Explore insights ranging from hiring for culture with personality tests to boosting hiring with employee referral programs, as shared by industry leaders.

  • Hire for Culture with Personality Tests
  • Automate Job Ads with Programmatic Placement
  • Challenge-Based Interviews for True Talent
  • Discover Talent at Speed Networking Events
  • Engage Candidates with Informal Events
  • Recruit from Expat Communities Online
  • Leverage LinkedIn for Precision Outreach
  • Convert Customers into Employees
  • Create a Compelling 'Why Choose Us?' Campaign
  • Educational Webinars Attract Prospective Hires
  • Gamify Recruitment with Skills Challenges
  • Hire Fractional Leaders for Project-Based Impact
  • Host Exclusive Hiring Events and Affiliates
  • Innovate with Virtual Reality Recruitment
  • Invite Candidates to Shadow for a Day
  • Streamline Hiring with Automation Tools
  • Boost Hiring with Employee Referral Programs


Hire for Culture with Personality Tests

Hiring specifically for culture fit using personality questionnaires has proven invaluable. Historically, we have struggled to find senior staff who fit our organizational culture and thus stay with us long-term. Often, we would find amazing candidates who have the technical expertise but aren't engaged or satisfied. We quickly realized that interviews were doing a poor job of assessing culture fit, as the most charismatic candidates would always come out on top. 

Instead, we started using personality questionnaires as an early screen, improving the quality of our shortlists. Since adopting this strategy, engagement and retention have improved substantially, with no loss in technical competence. Consequently, the total value that employees bring over the course of their tenures has increased dramatically, solving a frustrating and expensive problem for us.

Chloe Yarwood, HR Manager, Test Partnership


Automate Job Ads with Programmatic Placement

I have always believed in leveraging technology to streamline recruitment. One unique strategy I’ve implemented is using programmatic job ads. This approach automates the placement of job ads across various platforms, targeting specific demographics based on data analytics. It ensures that the ads reach the most relevant candidates, increasing the quality of applicants.

The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its precision and efficiency. By targeting the right audience, we reduced the time spent on sifting through unsuitable applications and focused on engaging with top talent. This not only sped up the hiring process but also improved the overall candidate experience, making our recruitment efforts more successful and impactful.

Phil McParlane, Founder & CEO, 4DayWeekJobs


Challenge-Based Interviews for True Talent

My name is Liudas Kanapienis, CEO and co-founder of Ondato. One unique recruitment strategy that's proven successful for us is our "Challenge-Based Interview" process.

In this approach, we present candidates with a complex, industry-related problem and give them access to a sandbox environment with mock data and tools. They have a set time to work on the problem, collaborating with team members if needed, before presenting their solution.

This strategy has been effective because it allows us to assess not just technical skills, but also creativity, problem-solving ability, and performance under pressure. It gives candidates a realistic preview of the work at Ondato, helping ensure they're ready for challenges like when our first ID verification system couldn't distinguish between a face and a wine bottle.

"In recruitment, we're not just filling positions; we're finding partners in innovation. Our challenge-based interviews help us identify those who thrive on solving the unsolvable."

This approach has improved our hiring success rate, reduced early turnover, and helped us identify unconventional talent. It aligns with our culture of continuous learning and adaptation, which has been crucial in growing from a startup to a company with 150 employees across 35 countries in the dynamic fintech and compliance industry.

Liudas Kanapienis, CEO, Ondato


Discover Talent at Speed Networking Events

One out-of-the-box recruitment strategy I implemented was hosting a speed networking event specifically for IT professionals. I was hiring for a Software Engineer role for a tech company that required a unique set of skills and experience, and traditional recruitment methods like job boards and LinkedIn were not yielding the quality of talent I was looking for. This event allowed large-scale in-person networking as participants met each other in 5-minute rotations and also led me to discover fresh talent for my client.

Not only did the event bring together a diverse group of IT professionals looking for jobs, but it also allowed me to meet and interact with professionals in a more informal setting, helping me to better assess their personalities and competence while they also got a chance to engage with each other. Ultimately, this strategy resulted in a successful hire for the Software Engineer role and helped me build a stronger network of IT professionals for my future recruitment needs.

Joe Coletta, Founder & CEO, 180 Engineering


Engage Candidates with Informal Events

One unique and frequently successful approach that we've used at Airswift is to hold events where candidates can talk one-on-one with recruiters, like open houses at our office or pop-up consultations on college campuses and other places where there's likely to be a high number of current or future job seekers.

These events give potential candidates a chance to get to know our team and what we do in a more informal, relaxed way—even more so than at a job fair, honestly. At a job fair, candidates may still be anxious or putting on their 'best face' because they're actively trying to land a job, but an open house-style event feels like it's less pressure, which can allow them to feel and act more natural. We'll also often offer activities as part of these events that are aimed at helping candidates with their job search efforts, like resume consultations or mock interviews with feedback.

Providing this kind of free help is something that sticks in a person's mind. Even if they don't feel like your openings are right for them, they'll feel positive about your company and will be more likely to recommend it to their friends or colleagues who are looking for jobs and would fit with our team. We also regularly end up collecting several resumes and applications from interested candidates after hosting these events, and as a rule, they tend to be stronger applications than what we'd get posting the job online.

Rob Boyle, Marketing Operations Director, Airswift


Recruit from Expat Communities Online

Finding the right people has always been a tough one for a small yet widely international business like mine. It is difficult simply because the needs are diverse enough to make having one single source of talent not feasible, especially without a massive recruitment budget—which we usually don't have. Something that has worked quite well in the past for me, however, has been turning to the local expat communities on various social media and local meetup platforms. These groups are usually absolutely packed with experts in various fields who are receptive to being snapped up for the right offer, since they're in the country to develop their careers. This isn't a very formal process, and you do need to spend time chasing people, but it is an excellent way to find rare skill sets in my experience.

Dragos Badea, CEO, Yarooms


Leverage LinkedIn for Precision Outreach

For us, we utilize LinkedIn Recruiter extensively—I can say that it's an indispensable tool in our recruitment strategy. 

With this, we've been able to tap into a vast professional network, allowing us to identify and engage with potential candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. The advanced search filters and InMail feature have proven particularly useful for reaching out to highly qualified professionals whose profiles align closely with our job requirements. 

The best thing about it is that LinkedIn Recruiter integrates seamlessly with our ATS, streamlining the hiring process and helping us maintain a comprehensive overview of candidate interactions. This strategy has significantly reduced our time-to-hire and improved the quality of hires, ultimately contributing to our organization's success.

Tristan Harris, Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency


Convert Customers into Employees

We've had a surprising amount of success in recruiting our customers to work for us. We encounter people when they're first moving to new areas, and many of them don't already have work lined up. Giving them the chance to jump in and work as a mover until they get on their feet is a great opportunity, especially in our fastest-growing segment of apartment moves.

Nick Valentino, VP of Market Operations, Bellhop


Create a Compelling 'Why Choose Us?' Campaign

"Why Choose Us?" Campaign

Rather than just telling candidates about the job opportunity, we showcased why they should want to work with us in the first place. It was about painting a vivid picture of our company culture, our ethos, and the exciting challenges awaiting them.

We used a combination of compelling storytelling, engaging graphic design, optimized job descriptions, and a strong social media presence to create buzz around our brand. The campaign was not just about job vacancies but about creating a narrative that made candidates feel they were joining a community, not just a company.

The success? A 27% increase in applications! I believe the campaign's success was due to its emphasis on engagement and community, which resonated with job seekers looking for more than just a paycheck. It made them feel valued and part of something bigger.

Tim Hanson, CCO, PenFriend


Educational Webinars Attract Prospective Hires

As an IP attorney and CEO of two SaaS companies, I've found that hosting free educational webinars for potential recruits is highly effective. Hundreds attend to gain legal insights, and many apply to join my team. The webinars allow me to see candidates in action and evaluate engagement. Over 40% of recent hires first attended a webinar. 

The webinars build goodwill and help candidates invest in our mission. By the time they apply, I usually know them and can fast-track top candidates. This strategy improves hiring and saves time. Candidates start with a solid understanding of our work, so training is targeted. My team ramps up faster.

For other businesses, I recommend live digital events to connect with and evaluate candidates. Let people experience your culture, then make authentic job offers to those genuinely interested and engaged. When done well, it's a win-win.

Christopher Lyle, Owner, KickSaaS Legal


Gamify Recruitment with Skills Challenges

We gamified our recruitment! Finding top-notch transcriptionists can be tough. So, we took an unconventional approach—a transcription skills challenge. Here's how it worked: We posted short audio clips with varying difficulty levels on social media. Participants transcribed them, and winners received prizes and consideration for open positions. Why was it effective? This strategy attracted enthusiastic and skilled individuals. The gamified approach made it engaging and accessible, reaching a wider talent pool beyond traditional job boards.

Bonus points? The challenge samples showcased the type of work we do, giving potential recruits a taste of the role. It was a win-win—we found talented individuals, and they got a chance to shine!

Beth Worthy, Cofounder and President, GMR Transcription Services, Inc.


Hire Fractional Leaders for Project-Based Impact

One unique recruitment strategy that worked for me was hiring fractional CMOs and growth consultants on a project basis. At Grooveshark, instead of hiring expensive full-time marketing executives, we brought on experienced CMOs for 3-6 month engagements to help solve specific growth challenges.

For example, we hired a CMO who had experience scaling freemium SaaS companies. In just four months, they helped us optimize our conversion funnels and increase free trial conversions by 67%. The key was tapping into niche expertise for our needs. Rather than learning on the job, these consultants provided an immediate impact.

Now with my own practice, Harmonic Reach, I’ve found many startups also benefit from fractional CMO services. The flexibility and cost-effectiveness allows them to get C-level expertise that might otherwise be out of reach. The focused, project-based nature helps them solve challenges efficiently without the overhead of a full-time hire. For any company, I’d recommend considering fractional CMOs to fill key marketing roles, especially if you have specific problems that need solving or gaps in your team’s experience.

Sam Tarantino, Founder, Harmonic Reach


Host Exclusive Hiring Events and Affiliates

During my first year building StartupBros, I struggled to find high-quality freelancers and virtual assistants. I decided to host a hiring event where candidates had to pass a screening to attend. This allowed only top candidates to network with us, and we made several hires from those events. 

Candidates had skin in the game by preparing for and attending the event, so they were highly engaged. And since we could meet many candidates at once, it streamlined the hiring process. Over 70% of hires from the first event are still team members today, showing how effective this strategy was for finding dedicated, long-term contractors. 

We also started an affiliate program where influencers help promote StartupBros to their audience in exchange for a share of revenue from any customers they refer. This built an instant sales team to help scale the business. By aligning incentives, affiliates are motivated to only promote to high-quality leads. 

Now, other companies use similar strategies. But for us, hosting live hiring events and building an affiliate program were innovative ways to recruit top talent and scale quickly as a new startup.

Will Mitchell, Founder, StartupBros


Innovate with Virtual Reality Recruitment

Spurred by the unique challenges of sourcing top-tier tech talent for the Ling app, I explored and implemented Virtual Reality (VR) in our recruitment process. The strategy included a virtual office tour as well as on-the-job scenarios that identified problem-solving skills and team collaboration. This immersive technique set us apart as an innovative, technologically forward-thinking company and allowed potential candidates to get a tangible feel of our work environment and tasks before joining the team.

The results were impressive, leading to a more informed and engaged selection process and candidates better matched to their roles. This VR initiative proved particularly successful amidst the global remote work transition where in-person interviews and visits were not possible. It's a testament to the reality that embracing innovative technologies can significantly optimize HR practices, especially in recruitment.

Jarir Mallah, Human Resources Manager, Ling


Invite Candidates to Shadow for a Day

One game-changing recruitment strategy we used at Dolphin Claims was inviting potential hires to shadow our team for a day. This gave them a real taste of our work culture and allowed us to see their fit in action. It worked wonders because it went beyond the traditional interview, providing mutual insight and helping both sides make informed decisions. The authentic connection it fostered led to higher retention and more engaged employees.

Joe Ford, Co Founder, Dolphin Claims


Streamline Hiring with Automation Tools

So, what we do at Life by Design involves leveraging automation to streamline and enhance our hiring process. It actually transformed how we manage recruitment by using automation tools like ClickUp for project management and Calendly for scheduling interviews.

Initially, we faced the challenge of efficiently managing multiple candidate applications while ensuring each received timely communication. To address this, we automated routine tasks such as sending interview invitations and follow-up emails. ClickUp helped us handle all that the process entails, such as tracking application statuses and assigning tasks, ensuring no candidate was overlooked.

Another helpful tool is Calendly, which enables candidates to book interview slots based on the availability of our hiring team. This method eliminates the back-and-forth emails typically required to schedule meetings.

This strategy proved effective for several reasons:

1. It significantly reduced the administrative burden on our HR team, allowing them to focus on evaluating candidate qualifications rather than coordinating logistics.

2. It created a seamless and professional experience for candidates, reflecting positively on our company culture.

3. Automation ensured a consistent and timely process, improving our ability to quickly attract and secure top talent.

Overall, automation has proven to bring many benefits to the recruitment process. Previously, we had integrated automation in other divisions, which has also proven beneficial. From what we have seen, the output is greater with less effort.

Nicholas Robb, Lifestyle business expert, Life by Design


Boost Hiring with Employee Referral Programs

Since my post-college career was launched thanks to an employee referral, I've successfully been on both the implementation and receiving ends of that strategy, including in my current position with a digital media company in the insurance industry.

Employee referrals are effective because both the candidate and the hiring manager are not starting the hiring process 'cold.' Each party already has a leg up, thanks to having some knowledge about the other, whether it be about company culture or a candidate's soft skills. This can help expedite the hiring process, saving a company time and money.

Those hired through employee referrals are also apt to have a higher level of engagement, performance, and retention. This also saves the company time, money, and headaches.

Michelle Robbins, Licensed Insurance Agent, USInsuranceAgents.com

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