MCOR's Most Memorable Gifts

Tuesday, December 19, 2023
A family holiday shopping together

If you've ever been unsure about what gift to give someone, you're not alone! Take a moment to explore these stories about gifts that have touched the lives of both the givers and receivers, spreading an abundance of holiday cheer. You might even find inspiration for what to give someone special in your own life!

Shenxin (Akiko) Li

Photography is a memorable gift that can last a lifetime. In a world filled with material things, it's hard to find a present that stands the test of time. However, photography is an experience that captures a moment and turns it into a memory. Photos are almost synonymous with memories, and they are guaranteed not to end up in the attic. When you give someone a portrait session, you are giving them the gift of a slice of their life, along with the memory of you, the person who made it happen. I had a great experience with a friend in Hong Kong before I left for the US. We found a local photographer who took us to various unique cultural places and captured some very special moments. I love looking at these memories every now and then, and they never fail to bring a smile to my face.

Emma Gomez

My daughter was able to get into my phone and retrieve a message from my dad that he left on Mother's Day several years ago wishing me a wonderful day and telling me how much he loved me. To my surprise, she took that recording to Build-a-Bear and created a stuffed animal with an Army outfit (my dad served in the Army), added a heartbeat when pressing his chest, and when pressing the paw, my dad's voice wishes me a Happy Mother's Day telling me he loves me. This was extra-special because he passed away a year before she gave me the gift. I cherish that stuffed animal tremendously. I cried happy tears!

Vanessa Plummer

My most memorable Christmas gift/Christmas moment is when I moved to Wisconsin and even though I lived there I was always able to come home (Arizona) for Christmas. One year I unfortunately did not have enough money to travel home for Christmas and ended up having to work, so instead a couple of my family members flew from Arizona to visit me without me knowing. I came home from work and there they were at my apartment waiting for me with open arms. It was the best gift I could have received that year!

Alex Kouumdjieva

When I was a teenager, my mom and I started taking holiday trips instead of giving gifts. My most memorable trip was during my senior year of high school when we spent the holiday break in Hawaii. We packed a lot of fun into a little over a week including getting scuba-certified, swimming with dolphins, and going skydiving! It was such an incredible time getting to experience new things together, and it is still one of the most memorable ‘gifts’ I have ever received.

Rachel Smith

While caring for her young family, it's incredibly difficult for my best friend to find time to herself, especially since she dedicates what free time she has to helping others. However, she has recently worked hard to develop drawing and painting skills. My best friend knows I like art and plants. She created a beautiful watercolor painting over marker-stenciled plants that has become a staple piece in my kitchen, reminding me of her every time I look at it! The artwork was similar to this.

Amy Griglak

My husband, Jon, spends hours upon hours every year to make his homemade canned food gifts every year for our friends and family. Some of his favorites to make are his homemade salsa, spicy marinara sauce, and cinnamon apples. Once he's done canning everything, I add a cute fabric topper and a gold ribbon to each one, and the gifts are ready to go. It's a tradition that we've been doing for over 10 years now.

Sophie Baca

I like to make DIY gifts for friends and family so one year I bought little stockings at dollar store and personalized them based on the things the person liked. For example one of my sons is a huge Spiderman fan. I put his name at the top of stocking and put a Spiderman iron on picture on the bottom and filled with his favorite candy.

Veronica Moreno

I love personalized gifts, like the 2023 ornament with photo I received. I think photos take you back to the day those memories were made and it's easier to remember, now that I am older, and sparks conversations and laughs.

Armando Sanchez

My second Christmas with my GF and her family she surprised me with a photo of us from our first trip together that had been framed and has been sitting on my desk ever since.

Darion Walker

I feel special anytime I spend time with my family and able to just enjoy life with them. The holidays really drive this home as we never know when we won't have that time.

Sue Gitell

I like to receive homemade gifts. They are from the heart.

Mike Turner

My first BMX Bicycle (blue)

Katy Everson

A spa treatment!