How to Effectively Analyze a Job Post

Monday, December 18, 2023
Example of a job listing

Sometimes, it can be a challenge to find a job in your field of interest. Other times, the difficulty lies in understanding job posts effectively. Some posts are vague and don't provide much information about the job, while others seem like an excessively detailed page out of an encyclopedia! Regardless job post's content, the following guidelines can assist you in determining if the position and company might be a good fit for you.

What does the post tell you about the company’s mission, vision, and values?

Finding out more about a company and its Mission, Vision, and Values statement(s) can give you an insight into the kind of organization you would be joining. Some job postings may provide this information directly, but if not, you may need to do some digging on their website. Often, there will be a dedicated link for the Mission, Vision, and Values statement(s). It's important to take the time to read and assess if they align with your career goals. A brief definition for each type of statement (sometimes rolled together into one) is provided below:

  • Mission - This explains why a company exists, and what drives it forward.
  • Vision - This provides a look into a company’s ideal future, and where it sees itself going.
  • Values - This statement is all about the principles that keep a company afloat, and is the backbone of its culture.

Learn more about Mission, Vision, and Values statements, and check out examples here.


What do you know about the company’s history?

It's crucial to conduct your own research, as you can't rely solely on one job post to obtain all the information about a company. To gather more insight, you can refer to the company's website and social media pages. It's especially worth checking their LinkedIn profile to see if you have any connections within the company already.

While it's important to note that previous employee reviews may be biased towards their personal experiences, and may not apply to everyone, still consider checking the company's Indeed reviews. Many companies have profiles on Indeed where previous or current employees share their experiences, and evaluate the company based on various topics, such as the following:

  • Salary
  • Benefits
  • Work Wellbeing (happiness, purpose, satisfaction, etc.)
  • Work-Life Balance

Keep in mind that although learning from others' experiences can be valuable, it's important for you to personally assess a company's characteristics and not solely rely on others' comments to form your opinion.


Are there growth opportunities?

Many individuals start their careers in completely different positions than what they eventually end up in after several years. Visit the company's website and browse through the "About Us" page to find employees in positions that catch your interest. Take into account whether the skills you will learn in the job you are applying for are versatile and can help you progress within the company.

If you are eager to explore new departments and roles, take a look at the professional development opportunities offered to employees, especially entry-level. Some companies offer tuition reimbursement for individuals who are looking to advance their education, and further their professional growth.

Check out this article by Indeed to discover additional job search considerations.


Are there noticeable patterns or order to the job post?

If you happen to notice that certain skills, phrases, descriptive words, etc., are being repeated more often than others, it's worth paying attention to them! Companies often emphasize specific skills or qualities in job candidates by mentioning them multiple times to highlight their importance and potential requirements. On the other hand, if you find that a job post lacks organization, and descriptive terms, phrases, and skills are either absent or unclear, this could be a warning sign. If you finish reading a job description without even the faintest idea of what a typical day in that role might entail, it's possible that this may not be the best job for you.

While a job post may list numerous skills and qualifications, it's important to focus on those that are mentioned at the top of each list, as these are likely the most crucial. Take the time to evaluate where these skills fit into your own skillset and determine if you're ready to prioritize them over others. More ideas on effective ways to read into a job post can be found in this blog on


What signs should I watch out for - the good and the bad?

Unclear or missing salary information - It's important to have a general understanding of the salary range for a job, as this may be an important determining factor for whether it's worth your time to customize your resume and apply. Your time is valuable, and if the pay is too low with no room for negotiation, it may be more beneficial to explore other opportunities. In cases where a salary range is not provided, consider referring to websites like O*NET OnLine. Simply search for a job title to access information on its projected growth, wages by state, and more!

This common phrase found in job posts - The term "fast-paced environment" can have various interpretations, some good and some risky. It could imply that there is healthy competition for job positions, fostering a dynamic atmosphere. Alternatively, it could describe a commission-based position, which requires a more high-stakes, individualistic approach rather than a team-oriented one. It could insinuate that multitasking is a requirement, which may not suit everyone's skillset. Carefully read the entire job description to gain a better understanding of the context, and determine if this environment aligns with your preferences and goals.

The idea of a "Work Family" - Many individuals find it challenging to separate their work life from their personal life, and end up bringing work home. This can have a negative impact on their personal relationships and general wellbeing. However, this is not always a negative term, and in some cases suits aspiring professionals' preferences. For instance, the term "work family" could imply that everyone collaborates towards a shared objective, encouraging teamwork and sharing ideas. Numerous companies thrive on team-building activities that foster trust and motivate employees to engage with their colleagues. This is particularly true for small companies, where you may interact with individuals who have been part of the company for several years. Some small companies are just starting out and are eager to cultivate a tightly-knit team that sets goals, learns from initial mistakes, and celebrates achievements together.



When you're analyzing different aspects of a job post, it's important to recognize that some companies are more structured in their descriptions, and others more easy-going. Both can lead to a rewarding career path. Keep in mind that some positions may have the same job title, but play different roles, depending on the company. Take a closer look at a job post and consider what matters most to you. Does this post meet your requirements for work-life balance, pay, benefits, etc.? Does it leave you with more questions than answers? The more posts you read, the better you'll become at understanding what matters most to the company and to yourself.