15 Ways to Celebrate World Kindness Day in the Workplace

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Sign that says Be Kind

As we approach World Kindness Day, we sought insights from CEOs and managers on how to celebrate this special day in the workplace. From planning a “Kindness in Action” day to creating a professional compliment chain, we have compiled fifteen unique and inspiring ideas to foster a culture of kindness in your organization.

  • Plan a "Kindness in Action" Day
  • Foster a Culture of Appreciation
  • Distribute Positive Affirmation Cards
  • Implement Gratitude Sessions and Kindness Challenges
  • Initiate a Kindness Spotlight
  • Encourage Kindness in the Workplace and Community
  • Introduce a "Gratitude Tree"
  • Construct a "Compliment Carousel"
  • Organize a Blind-Surprise Gift Exchange
  • Celebrate Global Day of Kindness Remotely
  • Encourage a "Pay It Forward" Approach
  • Commemorate with Meaningful Kindness Events
  • Serve the Homeless and Foster Children
  • Promote the “One Good Deed a Day” Challenge
  • Create a "Professional Compliment Chain"

Plan a "Kindness in Action" Day

I'm planning a "Kindness in Action" day at my life coaching company. We'll start with a "kindness circle" where each one of us shares a story of an act of kindness they've experienced, fostering a sense of positivity and connection to start the day. 

We'll then each draw a colleague's name from a hat and perform an act of kindness for one another during the day. It could be as simple as leaving a note of appreciation or helping with a task. I've found that these gestures, even the small ones, not only make people feel better but also support a cohesive and empathetic environment. It's a gentle reminder that kindness is a practice, and the workplace is a great place to start.

Bayu Prihandito, Certified Psychology Expert, Life Coach, Founder, Life Architekture


Foster a Culture of Appreciation

For World Kindness Day on November 13th, we typically foster a culture of appreciation in our workplace. In my experience, we encourage team members to express gratitude and kindness through personalized messages or small acts of kindness. It's a day where, from my perspective, we celebrate our collective efforts and achievements, emphasizing the importance of kindness in our daily interactions. 

This not only boosts morale, based on my expertise and knowledge, but also strengthens team cohesion, making our workplace a more positive and inclusive environment. It's a great opportunity, from my personal journey, to remind everyone of the value of kindness in our work and to ensure a happier and more productive atmosphere within our team.

Mark Fong, General Manager, CEO, hexagon lights


Distribute Positive Affirmation Cards

Last year, I saw a colleague feeling down, and a simple kind gesture made a world of difference for her. So, this November 13th, I'm planning to distribute positive affirmation cards to everyone at our business. 

Each card will contain uplifting messages or quotes, handpicked by me based on what I feel resonates with our team's spirit. It's my little way to sprinkle some kindness and positivity in our workspace, hoping it brightens someone's day just as it did for my colleague.

Hafsa Unnar, Executive Assistant, On-Site First Aid Training


Implement Gratitude Sessions and Kindness Challenges

On World Kindness Day, in the coaching industry, I plan to foster a culture of gratitude and support within the workplace.

I start with scheduling short coaching sessions focused on gratitude. Encourage team members to reflect on and share moments of kindness they've experienced or witnessed within the workplace. This not only uplifts spirits but also reinforces a positive and appreciative culture.

I also will initiate a "Random Acts of Kindness" challenge. Encourage team members to perform small, thoughtful acts for their colleagues. This could range from sending uplifting messages to offering assistance on tasks. Share these acts during team meetings to amplify the positive impact.

Finally, I will conduct workshops centered around the theme of kindness. These sessions can explore the role of empathy in leadership, effective communication, and fostering a supportive work environment.

Sai Blackbyrn, CEO, Coach Foundation


Initiate a Kindness Spotlight

On World Kindness Day, this November 13th, I've planned a 'Kindness Spotlight' initiative in the office. Team members can nominate colleagues who've shown acts of kindness, big or small, throughout the year. These stories will be shared during a team meeting, celebrating and recognizing those who've made positive impacts. It's a way to foster appreciation and inspire further acts of kindness within our workspace.

Adam Hawke, CEO, Myrtle Beach Home Buyers


Encourage Kindness in the Workplace and Community

World Kindness Day is significant to us because it aligns with our care and compassion fundamental values. Several celebration-related activities are planned. First, we will provide complimentary dental exams and basic treatments to underserved members of our local community in an effort to promote oral health and kindness.

We will encourage random acts of kindness in the workplace, such as providing gift cards as a surprise, hosting a luncheon, and emphasizing the significance of empathic patient care.

In addition, we will initiate a "Kindness Challenge" in which employees can share their acts of kindness in the workplace or community. Exemplary deeds will be recognized and rewarded.

World Compassion Day serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion in our profession and daily lives, and we intend to make it an integral part of our company's culture.

Dr. Jennifer Silver, CEO, Owner and Dentist, Macleod Trail Dental


Introduce a "Gratitude Tree"

Last year, I witnessed a small act of kindness that left an indelible mark on my heart. A colleague discreetly paid for another's lunch when they forgot their wallet. Inspired by this, we're introducing a "Gratitude Tree" this November 13th. Everyone in our team will pen a note of gratitude or a kind deed they've experienced, and we'll hang them on the tree. It's a beautiful way to visually acknowledge the ripple effect of kindness and gratitude within our workplace.

Talita Moraes, CMO, Tarotoo


Construct a "Compliment Carousel"

On November 13th, World Kindness Day, we're introducing a "Compliment Carousel" at our office. It's inspired by a personal experience I had a few years ago. During a particularly tough week, a coworker randomly left me a heartfelt note, detailing how much they appreciated my dedication. That simple act turned my entire week around. 

So, for World Kindness Day, each team member will write an anonymous compliment for another colleague. We'll then gather and read them out loud, allowing everyone to feel valued and cherished.

Haya Subhan, General Manager, Solar Panel Installation


Organize a Blind-Surprise Gift Exchange

World Kindness Day, celebrated on November 13th, is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for one another in the workplace. One way to celebrate this special day would be to organize a blind-surprise gift exchange. 

Each participant would have to buy a small gift for someone else without knowing who they were buying it for. This way, participants will have the chance to recognize each other and express gratitude in an unexpected manner. Furthermore, it can be a fun, collective team-building activity that helps create an atmosphere of kindness and caring amongst colleagues!

Carly Hill, Operations Manager, Virtual Holiday Party


Celebrate Global Day of Kindness Remotely

Our team works remotely in different parts of the world, and despite our geographical dispersion, we are committed to celebrating the Global Day of Kindness. To kick things off, I will send greeting cards to all our employees located across the globe. 

Additionally, we have scheduled an online meeting with the entire team and an evening yoga practice with our clients. During these online events, we will organize contests to raise funds for volunteer organizations in Ukraine.

Iana Varshavska, Digital Marketer and Yoga Therapist, Yanva


Encourage a "Pay It Forward" Approach

On November 13th, World Kindness Day, our team has a unique celebration planned. We're embracing the "Pay It Forward" approach. Just last month, I personally witnessed a colleague help another by staying late, ensuring the office sparkled for an early-morning client meeting. It was an act of pure goodwill. 

Inspired by this, we'll be encouraging every employee to perform a kind deed for another. Whether it's a helping hand with a task, a warm compliment, or even sharing a lunch, our hope is to create a ripple of kindness throughout the workplace. Small gestures, big impact.

Isaac Badaraco, Director of Development, ECS


Commemorate with Meaningful Kindness Events

November 13th, World Kindness Day, is an opportunity to foster kindness and compassion in the workplace. We planned several meaningful events to commemorate this day. 

Employees are invited to write anonymous thank-you notes to their coworkers, participate in a "kindness challenge" where they surprise one another with small acts of kindness, and even organize a potluck lunch to share stories and food. 

The day will also prioritize candid conversation, attentive listening, and mutual assistance. It's a day to foster harmony and positivity at work and to remind everyone that even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact.

Jessica Shee, Marketing Manager, iBoysoft


Serve the Homeless and Foster Children

Having more of a servant's mindset has been on my mind a lot lately, so this year's celebration of National World Kindness Day will have even more meaning to me. I've recently started the process of working with Volunteers of America, and I hope that World Kindness Day will be my first opportunity to serve the homeless or children in foster care.

Jason Vaught, Director of Content, SmashBrand


Promote the “One Good Deed a Day” Challenge

To mark World Kindness Day, I plan to promote the “One Good Deed a Day” challenge. Each day leading up to November 13, we will task colleagues with performing at least one good deed for another in the office. It could be as simple as making coffee for someone or helping with their workload. 

All deeds will be noted on a shared board, creating a visual representation of our kindness. We're not only celebrating kindness, but also ensuring its sustainability in our workplace beyond just one day.

Abid Salahi, Co-Founder and CEO, FinlyWealth


Create a "Professional Compliment Chain"

A simple and fun way to celebrate World Kindness Day in the workplace is by creating a "Professional Compliment Chain." The idea is to create a chain reaction of positivity across the day, passed on from one team member to the next until it has reached the entire firm.

It starts with a single act of kindness: writing a positive, heartfelt, and insightful compliment about a colleague. This could be anything from acknowledging their unwavering commitment to our clients, to their exemplary time-management skills. Written on a brightly colored sticky note and anonymously stuck to their workstation, the recipient then pays the kindness forward by doing the same for another colleague, and so on.

There are plenty of ways to demonstrate kindness in our daily lives, but taking a moment to recognize the way that everyone contributes to the success of the workplace, and the unique skills they possess, is a simple yet impactful gesture that promotes a positive work culture.

Riley Beam, Managing Attorney, Douglas R. Beam, P.A.

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