15 Effective Recruitment and Selection Strategies for the Modern Era

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Employees strategizing together to develop a recruitment plan

In the quest to uncover the most effective strategies for job recruitment and selection in the modern era, we've gathered insights from fifteen industry leaders, including Human Resources Directors and CEOs. Their strategies span from utilizing niche job boards to replacing resume screening with direct assessments. Dive in to discover the wealth of knowledge they've shared.

  • Utilize Niche Job Boards
  • Leverage Social Media for Recruitment
  • Adopt Inclusive Job Descriptions
  • Incorporate Video Interview Software
  • Implement a Passive Sourcing Strategy
  • Apply a Technology-Enhanced Approach
  • Engage in Outbound Recruiting
  • Promote Diversity Through Major Job Sites
  • Recruit Through Paid Internships
  • Focus on Data-Driven Targeting
  • Prioritize Values and Skills Assessments
  • Cultivate Employee Brand Ambassadors
  • Ensure Alignment with Work Culture
  • Offer Interactive Job Previews
  • Replace Resume Screening with Direct Assessments


Utilize Niche Job Boards

One effective strategy for job recruitment in the modern era is to utilize niche job boards rather than broad-based employment websites such as Monster or Indeed. Even though many people browse these types of employment websites, and you may very well find a solid candidate through one of these channels, your HR team will also likely be inundated with resumes and applications from non-qualified candidates. This will waste valuable time. 

Instead, our team has had much better luck posting on niche job boards, especially for positions that are more technical in nature. It seems like technical professionals use and monitor specialized job boards as opposed to mass-market websites. Thus, you will likely find more qualified candidates through niche job boards, not to mention it will likely save your HR team serious time.

Janelle Owens, Human Resources Director, Guide2Fluency


Leverage Social Media for Recruitment

As the CEO and President of Redfish Technology, a recruiting firm specializing in the tech sector, I can tell you that modern recruitment is all about social media. Forget about keeping your online identity separate from your business persona; today, integration is key. That means candidate selection often begins and ends with social networking. I use sites like Facebook and Instagram to publicize open positions, communicate with potential workers, and evaluate front-runners.

This has led to improved openness during the hiring process. Getting to know the personality, background, and culture of an applicant helps me make a perfect selection, one that ensures peak performance and excellent retention for my client.

So, if you're a recruiter who's limiting themselves to LinkedIn, consider expanding your reach.

Rob Reeves, CEO and President, Redfish Technology


Adopt Inclusive Job Descriptions

We've found great success with inclusive job descriptions. By using gender-neutral language and focusing on essential skills over specific qualifications, we've attracted a more diverse and competent candidate pool. This seemingly minor change has had a profound impact on the quality and diversity of our recruits.

Brett Ungashick, CEO and CHRO, OutSail


Incorporate Video Interview Software

Remote work is becoming the new normal, with companies seeking ways to improve distant recruitment processes. Video interview software has proven to be a significant innovation.

It enables recruiters and candidates to pre-record their questions and answers. This not only guarantees a lot of flexibility for both parties, but it also benefits multinational companies operating in different time zones.

Incorporating video interview platforms into your recruitment strategy doesn't mean giving up the ATS currently in use. Most video interview software is fully compatible and synchronized with ATS in real-time. 

Additionally, candidates can be assessed in consultation with other HR experts. During a regular online meeting, only one or two professionals have the chance to evaluate a potential employee's skills.

Initially skeptical, the incorporation of video interview software into the recruiting process has resulted in excellent efficiency.

Martyna Szczesniak, Community Expert, MyPerfectResume


Implement a Passive Sourcing Strategy

One approach we've found works incredibly well is passive sourcing.

It's a growing part of our recruitment process, primarily because of the sheer level of skill that can often be identified via relevant candidates who otherwise may not apply for an open role. 

For example, on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn, you can often find incredibly passionate potential candidates who are utterly ingrained in their specific niche or role. 

While they may not be actively looking for a job, there's nothing to lose by engaging with them and letting them know that they'd be a valuable asset to the team.

Tracey Beveridge, HR Director, Personnel Checks


Apply a Technology-Enhanced Approach

Based on experience, one effective strategy for job recruitment and selection in the modern era is to implement a data-driven and technology-enhanced approach. This involves utilizing various digital tools and analytics to streamline the recruitment process, enhance decision-making, and improve the overall quality of hires. 

For example, online job boards, company websites, and professional networking platforms like LinkedIn can be utilized to post job openings. This expands the reach to a larger pool of potential candidates and allows targeting specific skills and experience levels. Implementing an applicant tracking system (ATS) to manage and streamline the recruitment process is beneficial. 

ATS software helps in sorting, filtering, and storing applications, making it easier to track candidate progress and maintain a database for future positions. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to automate initial resume screening can also be beneficial. AI can quickly analyze resumes, making it easier.

Joe Li, Managing Director, CheckYa


Engage in Outbound Recruiting

As more cutting-edge technologies become available, the recruitment industry undergoes ongoing change.

Numerous recruitment strategies produce desirable outcomes. Outbound recruitment is one such strategy that has been widely adopted recently.

In outbound recruiting, the recruiter actively seeks and contacts applicants independently. Referrals from current employees are one of the most effective ways to find new ones. Using this route, you can find and hire exceptional people who have already been vetted by your current staff. In most cases, encouraging employees to suggest new hires requires a strong referral network.

Before issuing a final selection letter, some organizations have professional agencies conduct background checks on the candidates to learn more about their character and personal/professional histories. This safety measure is in place to prevent the organization from accepting employees with negative character traits.

Aleksandar Ginovski, Career Expert, Resume Expert and Product Manager, Enhancv


Promote Diversity Through Major Job Sites

Post your job opening on major job sites such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or even Upwork to improve diversity in your company. These sites have a wider reach than just posting your job ads on your company's website, so there will be more people applying for the position. 

This will greatly improve your talent selection pool and will allow you to improve your employee diversity. It is also very important to state in the job ad that your company values diversity. You can add this at the end of your job ad to encourage diversity. "{COMPANY NAME} is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values diversity. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply for this position." This way, minorities and women will be encouraged to apply even more.

Steven Mostyn, Chief Human Resources Officer, Management.org


Recruit Through Paid Internships

We like to hire young, talented people who do not necessarily have to have any work experience. However, they must have talent and drive. The best way to test this is on the job. 

We offer three-month internships with ten hours per week of remote work to students while they are studying. We always pay our interns. Paying interns ensures both sides take the internship seriously and invest in it. At the end of the internship, we have a pretty good picture of who we want to keep and who we don't. As we are fishing further upstream, we avoid highly competitive markets.

Dag Flachet, Co-Founder and Professor, Codific


Focus on Data-Driven Targeting

From my experience, the effectiveness of data-driven targeting cannot be overstated. This strategy revolutionized our recruitment process. Instead of casting a wide net, we honed in on specific skill sets needed for our outdoor gym equipment business. 

We analyzed market data to identify these skills and used targeted job postings on platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. I remember hiring for a Design Engineer position. Using data-driven targeting, we quickly found a candidate with the precise blend of creativity and technical knowledge. And their contribution led to the launch of one of our best-selling products.

Lucas Riphagen, Co-Owner, TriActiveUSA


Prioritize Values and Skills Assessments

From my experience, two things are important when looking for a new team member: first, the person's attitude and values. I like to see if what they believe in matches with our company's values. This is something I check during a one-on-one interview. We chat about what they think is important in a job and in life. It's a good way to understand if we can work well together.

Second, their skills are key. I usually check this with a test task. It's not a hard test; it's more about seeing how they would handle the work they would do with us. This way, I can understand if they are up for the tasks ahead and if they can do the job. So, in short, values first, skills next - that's my method.

Martin Potocki, CEO, Jobera


Cultivate Employee Brand Ambassadors

One effective strategy that stands out for job recruitment and selection is cultivating employee brand ambassadors. 

I can recall a situation where we were struggling to attract the right kind of talent for a specialized role. We leveraged our own team's network by transforming them into brand advocates. We incentivized them to share job posts and talk positively about our workplace culture on their personal social media platforms. 

To our surprise, applications began pouring in. This method not only boosted our reach but also ensured we were connecting with candidates who were already aligned with our values, significantly improving the quality of recruits.

Josh "Snow" Elizetxe, Founder, Customer Feedback


Ensure Alignment with Work Culture

The one thing that I have learned over the years is that only those people who align with its work culture will stick to your company longer.

I have seen people with amazing skills leave my company, not because they were not given good opportunities, but because they were looking for something else. That could be work-life balance, company policies, values, leadership, or even the company’s physical environment.

Learning from this, I concluded that we have to be upfront about our work culture, policies, and future goals to the aspiring candidates from the beginning.

We have added some specific requirements to our recruitment process. Only if the candidates meet these requirements can they be eligible for hiring. If not, it's better to let the candidate go despite them having great skills. We can train them to develop those skills, but we can't make them accept a company’s culture.

Sandeep Kashyap, CEO and Founder, ProofHub


Offer Interactive Job Previews

In my experience managing our small but thriving tiny-home enterprise, I've found interactive job previews to be an invaluable tool in modern recruitment. 

For instance, when we needed a new architectural designer, rather than relying on resumes alone, we invited shortlisted candidates to spend a day with our team. This "preview" gave them a tangible sense of our work environment and design process. Interestingly, it was a quiet candidate, who initially seemed less impressive on paper, who shone brightly in this setting. Her creativity and team synergy were evident, leading to her successful recruitment.

M. Rizwan, Business Manager, Great Lakes Tiny Homes


Replace Resume Screening with Direct Assessments

Ditch resume screening and use test assignments and live interview questions to test critical thinking, logic, cognitive abilities, or hard skills directly related to the job. If you are trapped in stereotypes about background, past experience, or roles, you can lose a great candidate. Many people are switching jobs and industries, sometimes in a surprising way. 

At Linked Helper, all applicants receive test tasks, disregarding their resumes and experience. We also believe that hiring slowly is always better than urgent hiring, so whenever possible, give yourself enough time until you have zero doubt about the candidate. Get several decision-makers on the hiring panel to reduce subjectivity.

Daria Erina, Managing Director, Linked Helper


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